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Let us show you what ProteGen Casa offers:

  • A flexible policy that you can build according to your needs.
  • Emergency assistance services: locksmith, plumbing, glass repair and electrical works.


Find a personalized home insurance that’s built just for you. Protect your home and assets with ProteGen Casa and its coverages. Build your policy with three basic steps: Fire Coverage, Third Person Liability and Others Coverage.

ícono de seguro contra incendio en el edificio


Don’t worry if something happens to your home! Fire, explosion, vandalism and tree accidents are covered by us.

ícono de cobertura contra incendios


Protect your valuable belongings from damage caused by fires, lightning or explosion.

ícono de cobertura de pérdidas consecuenciales

Consequential Losses:

If your property suffered damages, we take care of demolition, debris removal and cleanup. Your home was left inhabitable, we include moving expenses, housing or hotel rent, storage and also transport costs for your belongings.

ícono de responsabilidad civil familiar

Family Civil Liability:

We back you up and your family from any accident caused to a third party. Employees and domestic workers are included even if you are renting.

ícono de cobertura de rotura de cristales


Windows where damaged due to an accident? We pay for the glass repair or replacement.

ícono de seguro contra robo

Theft with Violence and/or Assault:

We cover you upon forcible or violent damage/ loss to insured property. Cash money is covered too.

ícono de seguro con cobertura para electrodomésticos

Electronic Equipment and/or Appliances:

Your home appliances suffered from short circuit, explosion or flawed installation issues? We cover the devices repair or reposition!

ícono de asistencias en mi casa

Assistance Services:

You have a home emergency? We assist you with two events per year for any service related to locksmith, plumbing, glass repair and electrical works.

ícono de cobertura por fenómenos hidrometeorológicos

Hydro-metereological Phenomena:

Your home is protected from hazards related to avalanches, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, fast winds, hail, freeze or storms.

ícono de cobertura por terremoto o erupción volcánica

Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption:

We protect your home and belongings from damage resulting of earthquakes or volcanic catastrophes.

Need help from one of our experts?

Locate your nearest office and ask for one of our HDI Agents.

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Tenemos más seguros para acompañarte:

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