A Donde Vaya

Acquire more adding A Donde Vaya securing your belongings and your family’s wherever you go.

  • Affordable and fixed price product, we won’t charge more for the size of your home or the value of your assets.
  • A product that charges no deductible and coinsurance, add this product and use it without paying extra.
  • Even when there is no sinister, use your mobility bonus and travel assistance.

A Donde Vaya Coverage

Complement your HDI en mi Casa policy with extra coverage:

ícono de seguro de casa con cobertura para objetos fuera de casa

Personal Belongings Away from Home:

If you or your family members are robbed away from home, we will reimburse you up to $10,000 pesos! Includes: clothes, jewelry, purses, wallets, watches, electronic devices and more.
Does not apply for cash.

ícono de asistencia en viajes

Travel Assistance:

We think about your needs! If you have an emergency while traveling in Mexico or outside the country, we provide assistance for lost luggage, travel bookings or ambulance transport services.

ícono de indemnización extra por robo de contenidos

Extra 10% Compensation for Contents Robbery:

If your house was robbed, we give you 10% extra for the value of your missing things.

ícono de bono por transporte privado

Mobility Bonus:

Are you a frequent user of private transport? You have two trip claims of $200 pesos each inside of Mexico.


Additional protection to your policy for only $1,998 pesos extra per year.
Learn more from the coverage benefits with our experts.

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